For generations, Boilermakers have been working in nuclear power plants. We’re ASME-coded to perform all types of pressure welding. We’re safety-conscious, multi-skilled welders, riggers, fitters and more. We finish jobs injury-free and on time, as we recently did for Southern Nuclear.
Southern Nuclear Company praised the Boilermakers’ work at Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 in southeast Georgia. Union crafts completed 53 million man-hours without lost-time injury. Boilermakers were part of the 6,000 union craft workers on site.
“For any construction project, especially a complex and demanding one like ours, this milestone is worthy of celebrating. We continue to add safe work hours and improve upon our safety culture with each passing week, illustrating that zero injuries is possible.”
— Southern Nuclear Company CEO and President Steve Kuczynski
Power Generation
Boilermakers have a diverse portfolio of work within power generation, including projects in gas-fired, biomass, nuclear and coal-fired power plants. Our productive, multi-skilled craftsmen can weld, fit and rig anything, anywhere and in any season, as we did for TVA.
In the spring of 2017, Tennessee Valley Authority had 56 projects across 10 planned outages with a $15.9 million investment in TVA’s Kingston Project. Boilermakers manned those outages. During the four months of work, there were zero safety incidents, zero environmental incidents, and no clearance violations, workplace conduct issues or quality issues. In addition, TVA met or beat every outage schedule, met their budget and maintained exceptional housekeeping.
“I’ve worked on a lot of coal plants and worked with a lot of Boilermakers for a long time on back-end jobs…You’ve got so much work in a small area, and the Boilermakers are the first ones out of the gate…The Boilermakers performance and expertise on these jobs is more critical than ever.”
— Tennessee Valley Authority, Billy Ours, project manager, Kiewit Power
Local 263 (Memphis) members work to complete HRSGs on the Allen Steam Plant combined cycle natural gas project for Tennessee Valley Authority.
We know refineries. Our RSO-trained, ASME-coded Boilermakers are ready to work on your next refinery project. We can weld in tight spaces. We can rig anything. Our work in refineries shows we perform turnarounds safely and on time, as we did for PBF.
PBF Energy refinery in Torrance, California, needed an overhaul and update of its facility. It hadn’t been through a turnaround in 25 years. PBF called the Boilermakers to get the job done right.
“The star partner in this project was the Boilermakers. I truly believe the Boilermakers are setting a standard that, if followed by the other craft unions, will allow the building trades to become the labor of choice throughout North America.”
–PBF Senior Vice President of Refining Herman Seedorf
—-Boilermaker crews, prove their skills and safe work practices revamping the Torrance, California, refinery owned by PBF Energy.
Boilermakers believe in inclusive energy solutions to climate change, and our work shows that. Our multi-skilled welders, riggers and fitters build hydro, solar, biomass and other renewable projects, such as Ivanpah’s solar thermal facility.
Boilermakers constructed the $2.2 billion, 392-MW Ivanpah solar thermal project. Developed by BrightSource Energy, the facility provides power to PG&E and Southern California Edison. Each of the project’s three 459-foot towers supports a boiler. Boilermakers constructed the boilers and erected the water storage tanks and air-cooled condenser units that recover water from spent steam. Weld acceptance rates have been impressive: 99.5 percent on unit 1 and 100 percent on units 2 and 3.
“If you think about the challenges that we’ve done here, we’ve met them all. And we certainly couldn’t have done it without the Boilermakers that we’ve had here. It’s the quality of the Boilermakers we’ve got here. I’ve told this to many people. I’ve been with Bechtel almost 30 years and I have to say that this is the best team that I’ve ever worked with.”
— Site Manager, Bechtel Power Corporation, Fred Fine
Members of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, along with other union trades, build the award-winning Ivanpah thermal energy facility, located in the California Mojave Desert. It is the largest facility of its kind.
Work With Us
What’s a Boilermaker? We’re the skilled craftsmen and women trained and committed to stand apart as the best in rigging, welding and other specialty crafts. We step up when others step back, completing the jobs others are afraid to begin. We solve the hardest problems. And we’re the choice for owners and contractors who want the job done right—on time, within budget and safely. Every time.
We’re a brotherhood. And everything we are begins with our bond. That’s our advantage.
Let’s get to work together.